Roogo Home Craft Co., Ltd. - поделка из смолы, садовый гном


Roogo design for love , with love warm heart.

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About Us

ROOGO brand is positioned as a fun and creative crafts brand. With innovation, quality and integrity as the brand concept, we provide life crafts with good quality, novel design, safety and reasonable price.We hope that through our efforts, we can make every living thing more beautiful and lovely, and make people's life full of creativity and fun. Founded in 2003, roogo home furnishing is a craft and creative products enterprise dedicated to making loving home furnishing and making life full of love. With a strong design team, focusing on originality and continuous innovation, we have 10000+ original copyright certificates so far. Vigorously invested in research and development, deep plowing home, joy, gardening, car, pet, cultural and creative pendant market, the product covers a variety of materials and styles.
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